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3/2493 Ernest Ivan Paine MM, NZ Medical Corps

NZEF MM Group (Replacement) - Paine

SKU: ZM249
  • The NZEF WW1 MM and WW2 Campaign group of seven awarded to Ernest Paine, who won the Military Medal for exceptional bravery in rescueing wounded men "through a sea of mud and barrage of machine gun bullets" during the fateful assault at Passchendale 12th October 1917. Paine's medals were subsuently lost in a fire, this being the official replacement set.


    Ernest Paine was born at Reefton, on the West Coast, on 8th September 1890. He was working for the Public Works Department when he enlisted for service with the NZEF in 1916. He served on the Western Front with No. 1 Field Ambulance from May 1917. He was awarded the Military Medal (L.G. 28/1/1918) for his actions during the Battle of Passchendale: "Action in front of Belle Vue Spur, west of Passchendaele, on October 12th 1917 and following days. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. On 12th October 1917, during attack on Passchendaele Ridge, Private E.I. Paine showed a magnificient example to his comrades. Time after time he went forward through a sea of mud and barrage of machine gun bullets rescuing men who were in the forward shell holes. When all his squad were killed and wounded he formed a fresh squad and continued to do his duty. He did splendid work.". He served in the field for the remainder of the war, except for some periods of leave.


    During the Second World War, Paine once again volunteered for service with the NZ Medical Corps. He served during the campaign in the Middle East in 1941-42 with 5th Field Ambulance and No. 2 NZ General Hospital until being returned to New Zealand in late 1942 and discharged as medically unfit. In late 1957 Paine wrote to the NZ Defence Force stating he had lost all his medals and paperwork in a house fire. The medals on offer here are his official replacements, although the record issue is missing from Paine's personal file.

    MM is impressed 3/2493 PTE. E.I. PAINE. N.Z.M.C. (REPLACEMENT) and the pair is impressed 3/2493 PTE E.I. PAINE NZMC. The WW2 campaign group is unnamed as issued.



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